RCTi, RCTi-3ph and RCT1A: A comparison with instrument (metering) class current transformers IEC60044-1.
These technical notes should be read in conjunction with the RCT1A and RCTi technical notes and short-form datasheets. This document is intended to draw an analogy between instrument (metering) class CTs and flexible, clip-around, Rogowski current probes so that the user can make an informed choice about the suitability of using our RCTi, RCTi-3ph or RCT1A in place of an instrument (metering) class CT.
This document covers the following:
- A summary of IEC60044-1 defining the phase and accuracy requirements for instrument (metering) current transformers.
- The advantages of the RCT compared with current transformers
- Rated burden
- Rated current
- Rated frequency
- Class: Accuracy and phase displacement
- Overloads, Outages and Saturation
- Product safety and standards
Technical notes relating to RCT1A, RCTi and RCTi-3ph.
The purpose of these technical notes is to explain any limitations of the device and to also assist the engineer in maximizing the many advantages of the RCT1A, RCTi and RCTi-3ph.
We recommend that you use this instruction sheet in conjunction with the products short-form datasheets and instruction sheets.